The Strangers Among Us, Part Three

The Strangers Among Us, Part Three

This is a continuation of my previous two columns discussing the context of Matthew 25, which is being used by the religious left in a well-intentioned, compassionate desire to harness four verses, Matthew 25:35-38, out of context, as biblical justification for use of public funds to “welcome the stranger” into our republic, specifically justifying publicly funding the resettlement of tens of thousands of Islamic refugee’s, mostly from civil-war torn Syria, as well as justification for legalizing illegal immigrants from Latin America already living in our republic.

Verse 32, when speaking about God’s judgement, states “All the nations will be gathered before Him.” Most commentaries state this refers to all people groups, implying that heavenly judgement for our financial management or mismanagement as well as our charitable actions or inactions will be directed to the individual.  This judgement is a non-respecter of persons issue.  Regardless of your nation, financial and charitable judgement will be the same.

Matthew 25 explains individuals have liberty to choose how to manage their own resources and the type and quantity of charitable work they choose to engage in.  Judgement will be executed accordingly.  As the first two parables indicate, good financial stewardship is greatly rewarded with additional financial blessings.  Poor financial stewardship is severely punished.  As it relates to charitable activity, nothing in the text prohibits the individual from coordinating with other private individuals, even forming organizations to assist any people group they desire.

There is nothing in the text which indicates approval of using public funds for the purpose of charitable work.  Indeed, once it becomes a government mandated “charity,” the liberty by which the individual is to be judged has been removed.  The individual could justifiably say, “I am not responsible, as this is a government function.”

Then the question must be asked, “for the individual who does not earn enough to pay into the system, a rapidly expanding demographic in our republic, does that individual avoid judgment?”  This would be contrary to the parable Jesus told of the widow’s mite in Luke 21:1-4 or Mark 12:41-44, as well as contrary to any portion of Matthew 25.
By taking the route of publically funding charity, where a growing percentage of our citizens don’t contribute, we have created a system that undermines individual responsibility, individual accountability, and runs contrary the dominant faith doctrine in our history.  This condition discourages our founding principles of individual liberty.


We currently are so far removed from the limited governmental responsibilities outlined in our state and federal constitutions that I believe as citizens we should be very concerned about the financial judgements outlined in Matthew 25.  I thank the religious left for bringing this passage, and the issue of charity and financial stewardship to our attention.

Under the principles in Matthew 25, groups of citizens are currently receiving public charity which should be privatized.  The process of reformation won’t take place overnight.  In theoretical discussion, these are faceless people groups, but they are not “strangers,” they are indeed citizens, caught in systems currently not functioning with real financial accountability.  As I stated in week two, charity with borrowed money is unwise.

More next week.  I hope you have a blessed week.

Scott Cooper