A Dance Recital on the Theme of Marriage

A Dance Recital on the Theme of Marriage

In back, L to R, Carter Wimberly, Asher Ireland and Dance Studio owner Liz Jordan; Front, L. to R., Chloe Ireland, Claire Wimberly and her “big sister” Caroline Wimberly.


The Timmerman School of Dance, Liz Jordan proprietor, gave a recital in the Timmerman School Auditorium in Columbia on April 27. Mrs. Jordan is the Headmistress of Timmerman School and lead instructor for the classes which meet in Edgefield at the American Legion Hut.

It was an imaginative and playful event, built on a “Just Married” theme. Pictured are two families of dancers, which include the only two young men among the dancers, as they celebrated the end of the performances.