A Long Way to Thank County Leadership

A Long Way to Thank County Leadership

By Scott Cooper

In economics, there is the study of macro-economics and the study of micro-economics.


The same is true when studying geography.  A macroscopic approach to human geography aims to identify large-scale patterns in observed phenomena rather than concentrating on local data, especially in the analysis of population distribution, and its relation to economic and social conditions. A microscopic approach to geography is localized: involving or concerned with strict geographic localization.


I have shared numerous times since our relocation to the Greater CSRA and Edgefield County, that although newcomers, I had been studying the trends of our region since the late 1990’s. Honestly, what I had not studied was our own family farm.  Coming here in 72-hour increments for the previous two decades, my sisters and I, our spouses, and our children typically walked the same path each time we went out for a walk, which we did multiple times a day on our visit to what is now called Misty Morning Farms.


It wasn’t until the fall of 2012, when I started coming alone for extended weekends to begin thinking about a future in agriculture and how to best utilize our family heirloom, which has been maintained through four generations.  The first weekend I came alone, I parked my car at the edge of a hay field and walked into the woods.  I learned how quickly the topography changed. I was amazed at the steepness of our own property.  I spent that day exploring this part of our property, where I had never been, despite visiting here for over four decades.


There is an effort in our republic to silence the discussion of faith.  I don’t know about you, I personally find that troubling, especially when you look at our founding documents, which on more than one occasion refer to the hand of Divine Providence.


I believe there is more I don’t know about faith than I do know.  What I do know is God typically works in ways we don’t plan or understand.

Why the connection?


In 2012, as I was preparing to leave a world I knew extremely well to enter a world I knew very little, and very few individuals. I discovered major things about property I visited over four decades, but clearly didn’t understand yet.  I plan to return to this part of this editorial next week.

The point in sharing the introduction is to share one prayer I had that weekend in 2012, and part of an answer.  I say a part of an answer, because there is still an unknown future.  A prayer I had that weekend is that God would use our property for good things.


I believe this weekend’s Luke Bryan concert at Misty Morning Farms is a good thing, not only for Misty Morning Farms, but for Edgefield County as a whole.  This is an event Misty Morning Farms did not solicit, and never could have imagined. Not in our wildest dreams.


Resulting from this blessing, thousands of individuals will enter Edgefield County for the first time.  This is transpiring after our county leadership recently approved new branding, a new logo and a new website.  All of which should be up for these visitors to see as they enter our county this weekend!  All of which highlight the best of what Edgefield County is about!  As our macrogeographic region is experiencing tremendous growth, I believe this is great timing!


Also resulting from this blessing is a display of amazing teamwork by our county and state leadership, from the County Administrator’s office, the Sherriff’s office, the Fire Departments, Emergency Preparedness, EMS, DOT, State Police, Verizon, the school system and many, many others.  Far too many individuals to list.  Not only have they been on numerous logistical planning conference calls, they have attended two site meetings.  What is truly impressive is they kept this event “under wraps” for months, after it was decided in January, until Luke Bryan announced in late May.

I believe our citizens have much to be proud of for the teamwork and the professionalism each of these departments (and ones I have inadvertently missed) have displayed.  I hope you will join me in thanking these team members in each of these departments for their efforts.

For those who want to know: department team members working this event will be compensated or reimbursed by the Luke Bryan concert promoters.


Here’s wishing you a productive week!


In economics, there is the study of macro-economics and the study of micro-economics.


The same is true when studying geography.  A macroscopic approach to human geography aims to identify large-scale patterns in observed phenomena rather than concentrating on local data, especially in the analysis of population distribution, and its relation to economic and social conditions. A microscopic approach to geography is localized: involving or concerned with strict geographic localization.


I have shared numerous times since our relocation to the Greater CSRA and Edgefield County, that although newcomers, I had been studying the trends of our region since the late 1990’s. Honestly, what I had not studied was our own family farm.  Coming here in 72-hour increments for the previous two decades, my sisters and I, our spouses, and our children typically walked the same path each time we went out for a walk, which we did multiple times a day on our visit to what is now called Misty Morning Farms.


It wasn’t until the fall of 2012, when I started coming alone for extended weekends to begin thinking about a future in agriculture and how to best utilize our family heirloom, which has been maintained through four generations.  The first weekend I came alone, I parked my car at the edge of a hay field and walked into the woods.  I learned how quickly the topography changed. I was amazed at the steepness of our own property.  I spent that day exploring this part of our property, where I had never been, despite visiting here for over four decades.


There is an effort in our republic to silence the discussion of faith.  I don’t know about you, I personally find that troubling, especially when you look at our founding documents, which on more than one occasion refer to the hand of Divine Providence.


I believe there is more I don’t know about faith than I do know.  What I do know is God typically works in ways we don’t plan or understand.

Why the connection?


In 2012, as I was preparing to leave a world I knew extremely well to enter a world I knew very little, and very few individuals. I discovered major things about property I visited over four decades, but clearly didn’t understand yet.  I plan to return to this part of this editorial next week.

The point in sharing the introduction is to share one prayer I had that weekend in 2012, and part of an answer.  I say a part of an answer, because there is still an unknown future.  A prayer I had that weekend is that God would use our property for good things.


I believe this weekend’s Luke Bryan concert at Misty Morning Farms is a good thing, not only for Misty Morning Farms, but for Edgefield County as a whole.  This is an event Misty Morning Farms did not solicit, and never could have imagined. Not in our wildest dreams.


Resulting from this blessing, thousands of individuals will enter Edgefield County for the first time.  This is transpiring after our county leadership recently approved new branding, a new logo and a new website.  All of which should be up for these visitors to see as they enter our county this weekend!  All of which highlight the best of what Edgefield County is about!  As our macrogeographic region is experiencing tremendous growth, I believe this is great timing!


Also resulting from this blessing is a display of amazing teamwork by our county and state leadership, from the County Administrator’s office, the Sherriff’s office, the Fire Departments, Emergency Preparedness, EMS, DOT, State Police, Verizon, the school system and many, many others.  Far too many individuals to list.  Not only have they been on numerous logistical planning conference calls, they have attended two site meetings.  What is truly impressive is they kept this event “under wraps” for months, after it was decided in January, until Luke Bryan announced in late May.

I believe our citizens have much to be proud of for the teamwork and the professionalism each of these departments (and ones I have inadvertently missed) have displayed.  I hope you will join me in thanking these team members in each of these departments for their efforts.

For those who want to know: department team members working this event will be compensated or reimbursed by the Luke Bryan concert promoters.


Here’s wishing you a productive week!


The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Edgefield Advertiser.

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