Get Your tickets this week – the price goes up next week – and tickets will be limited – The Chamber needs to have a head count to order the Oysters.
Also get in your Chili Cook-Off applications this week as well. Email Donna Livingston your intentions !!!!!!!!
Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce
Oyster Roast/Chili Cook-Off
Saturday, March 9th, 2013 1:00 until 3:00 pm
Edgefield Town Square
Proceeds to benefit: “Fill-A-Bus” School Supply Drive –
in Memory of Sandra Friar Edgefield County School District Information Director
Chili Cook-Off Information:
Calling all Chili cookers – Enter to Win the Chamber’s 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off,
Saturday, March 9th, 2013, beginning at 1:00 pm. Bring your chili prepared to be judged for 1st and 2nd place.
Chili can be any variety (chili only, chili with beans, beef, sausage, deer meat) anything goes. Bring enough to sell to customers who purchase tickets and for the judges. (expecting 100 persons) Bring your own tent, heating purposes, tables and chairs (electricity will be provided if needed). Presentation will be up to each individual. Cups, Bowls, etc will be furnished by the Chamber.
Cost will be $25.00 to enter. This will cover two persons to the event – all others will have to purchase a ticket to event to participate. Any questions contact: Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce, 416 Calhoun Street, Johnston, SC 29832; 803-275-0010 Monday-Friday 8:30 until 12:30 or info@edgefieldcountychamber.org
Last name_________________________ First Name______________________________
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________
Waiver: An un-signed waiver will not be accepted.
I hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims I may have against the Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Edgefield for any and all injuries by me in this event, including pre & post activities. I also give permission for use of my name and picture in any broadcast, telecast or written account of this event.
______________________________ _____________________ _______________________
Signature Date Phone Number
Mail form to: Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce, 416 Calhoun Street, Johnston, SC 29832
Deadline to enter is March 1st, 2013
Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce
March 9th, 2013
1:00 PM until 3:00 PM
Downtown Edgefield, SC
Courthouse Square
Price: $30.00 in advance (before March 1st)
$40.00 (at the door – with a limited number provided)
includes everything: oysters, Chili, and hot dogs, drink
Children: 12 & under: $15.00 in advance (before March 1st)
$20.00 (at the door – with a limited number provided)
Tickets available from the Chamber office, 416 Calhoun Street, Johnston, SC
803-275-0010 or by email info@edgefieldcountychamber.org; Turkey Shoppe On Main, Edgefield; Edgefield Town Hall; Frist Citizens Bank-Johnston, Edgefield & Ridge Spring Branches; SRP Federal Credit Union, Edgefield and Regions Bank in Johnston