Second Saturday History Event in Edgefield – Today

Second Saturday History Event in Edgefield – Today

This Saturday, May 11, the Second Saturday History Series continues. This month there will be a special Confederate tour in Willowbrook Cemetery. It will include George Blocker Lake, who was buried alive at the Battle of the Crater and Jonathan Hanby Carter, who was the Captain of the ironclad, CSS Missouri, the last Confederate ship to surrender in home waters.

Jonathan Hanby Carter
Jonathan Hanby Carter
George Blocker Lake
George Blocker Lake








Second Saturday, May 11 Schedule

8:00 AM – NOON:  Farmers, Arts & Crafts Market

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM:  Genealogy 101 at Tompkins Library

10:00 AM – 4:00 PM:  Artisan Demonstrations (Ike Carpenter’s Stand, Old Edgefield Pottery, and The Village Blacksmith)

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM:  Willowbrook Cemetery Tour

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM:  Shootout Re-enactment on the Courthouse Square