“Soldier Benefit,” a fundraiser for the 122nd Engineer Battalion (HSC/FSC) who are now deployed, Saturday, June 29, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Themed baskets, raffle, silent auction, food – “a way to support our soldiers.” Edgefield Armory, 225 Augusta Rd.
Dinner to Honor Laughlin McDonald: June 29, 4:00 p.m. Community Center on Macedonia St.: for tickets ($20.00) call Willie Bright (803-215-8000), Debra Barley(803-295-3253), Catherine Butler(637-6380) and Charlene Garrett(637-1934. Public invited.
Johnston Farmer’s & Artist’s Market every Thursday, from 4 – 6 p.m. in front of the Library/Warehouse on Calhoun Street. ( Next week it will be open July 3, Wednesday).
Edgefield Farmers Arts and Crafts Market: On the Town Square every Sat. through first Sat. in Sept. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. $5 per day. For more info call Carolyn Piekielniak @ 637-6861 or 803-507-0278.
7 – Up Program: The Pulpit Aid of Science Hill Baptist Church will host a 7-UP Program on June 29 at 5 p.m focusing on Stand Up, Speak Up, Wake Up, Rise Up, Pray Up and Cheer Up. Guest speakers and everyone is encouraged to attend. Rev. Lorenzo Williams is the pastor.
Project Diabetes: Cancelled until further notice.
Contemporary Southern Poetry Seminar: Saturday, June 29, 2-4 PM at the Morris Museum of Art, Augusta. Award-winning poet William Wright, series editor of the Southern Poetry Anthology, including volumes of poets from South Carolina and Georgia, will speak and sign books. Refreshments will be served.
Summer on the Courts: Edgefield County Youth Empowerment Center will host a Summer “On” the Courts vs. “In” Basketball Tournament on June 29, from10am-4pm for ages 10 & Older at J.E.T. Gymnasium. For more information, please contact (803) 624-0684.
Wesley Spires Benefit: Gospel Music Benefit, Sunday, June 30 at 6 p.m. at Republican Baptist Church, 610 Republican Rd.,Edgefield. Music will be provided by local singers and groups from around the state. A love offering will be taken. For more info call Patsy Easler at 637-3047 or 637-9034; Margaret A. Thompson at 637-3248 or the church at 803-278-2000. Everyone is welcome.
Free Workshops: Edgefield/SC Works Center, 400 Church St, Rm. 306, Tuesday, July 2, 10 AM Networkers Group Session – topic – “Hidden Jobs” Do you know all the places to look for jobs?; 11 AM “Computers for Beginners” For further information call 637-4029.
Retirement Celebration: Edgefield County Senior Center will host a Retirement Celebration for Roberta Pugh, Thursday, July 11; Drop-In from 2-5 p.m.
Health Fair: Simmon Ridge Samaritan Baptist Association Union Missionary, Woman’s, Brotherhood, & Youth Auxiliaries are sponsoring a Health Fair on Sat. July 13, at 9 am at Springfield Baptist Church, Edgefield. Classes for Adults and Youth. Rev. Adrian Wideman, Pastor of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Greenwood will be the Keynote Speaker. For more info call Sis. Dorothy Stevens @ 864-543-2754.
Second Saturday: July 13, stop by the Farmers, Artists & Crafts Market, go on a cemetery tour, witness a reenactment, and visit artisans at their shops: Edgefield is going into the history fault each month and bringing the past to life, every 2nd Saturday. Call Tonya Browder, Dir. Tompkins Library, for info (803-637-4010.
Pastoral Anniverary: Mine Creek Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate Pastor George Key’s 14th Anniversary, Sun., July 14, at 10 a.m. The public is invited.
Drive In Movie & Costume Contest: ECDA and Bluegrass Materials, Edgefield Quarry will sponsor The Flintstones movie at 8:30 p.m. and costume contest at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 20.