Alliance to Hear EMA Officials

The next meeting of the Edgefield County Alliance will be Tuesday, December 17, 8:00 a.m. in the County Council building. The invitation is open to all those interested, whether this may be the first time or not.  The lack of knowledge regarding what resources are available in the community is why the Alliance is partnering with the Edgefield County Interagency Council, to identify resources available in the community for citizens of all ages, businesses and industries.  The Alliance will also be working to establish websites and links along with other media measures to get information out to the public.

The group is fortunate to have Mike Casey, Director of Edgefield County EMA, and  Suzy Spurgeon, Deputy Director  of  Edgefield County EMA, to present information regarding  emergency preparedness in our County. Especially this time of year, it is important to know what preparations are in place and what actions  as citizens we need to take to be prepared.

Please RSVP to Linda Anderson at or phone 803-279-4138.