Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor:
Times like the recent ice storm show how neighbors and people come together to help each other.
I have the world champion limb yard (I believe), and it lived up to this reputation during the ice storm. Among all the downed limbs, two large ones came down on my pick-up. By all chances this could have done major damage to it. But the two limbs and their branches covered it like a cage, leaving the pickup undamaged inside. I believe the Lord has an angel overlooking me, especially after this and surviving cancer and an accident.
Neighbors Janet and Jack Burgess came over to release my pick-up with Jack’s hand saw. Bill Hammond with his wife and child drove up. Bill with his chainsaw made the chore faster and easier.
Mayor Ken Durham and a crew from the Edgefield Baptist Association came by and moved the heavier limbs to the side of the street.
Thanks, to these Good People. I want them to know how much their help means to me, and as I do not yet have the strength to do it myself.
Ted Lynn