Johnston Edgefield Trenton Middle School’s Library Media Specialist, Betsy Painter, took on the mission to acquire American Flags for each of the JET Middle School classrooms. Mrs. Painter did not have to go far. American Legion Post 30 of Edgefield took on the project to provide the needed flags and last Monday presented 35 classroom flags to the administration and students of the school. Post 30 Commander Jane Doolittle stated, “When our Veterans of American Legion Post 30, in Edgefield, learned there were some classrooms at J.E.T. Middle School which did not have American Flags we knew right away that we wanted to change that. It is with pride that the Veterans of American Legion Post 30, in Edgefield, present 35 classroom flags to J.E.T. Middle School. Now, as you recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day, you can face and see our American Flag displayed in your classroom.”