EDGEFIELD, S.C. – The National Wild Turkey Federation announced the closing of its retail store, Turkey Shoppe on Main, located downtown on the Edgefield square, effective immediately.
“We cannot say thank you enough to all who supported the NWTF by purchasing outdoor equipment at our Turkey Shoppe on Main,” said Becky Humphries, NWTF CEO.
The closure comes as part of the organization’s planned expenditure reductions. Individuals who have merchandise on special order will be contacted directly with further information.
The retail store opened more than seven years ago to provide the CSRA with a premium selection of hunting and fishing gear, firearms, ammunition, clothing, art, home décor, gifts and more.
About Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.
The NWTF Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. initiative is a charge that mobilizes science, fundraising and devoted volunteers to give the NWTF more energy and purpose than ever. Through this national initiative, NWTF has committed to raising $1.2 billion to conserve or enhance more than 4 million acres of essential upland wildlife habitat, recruit at least 1.5 million hunters and open access to 500,000 acres for hunting, shooting and outdoor enjoyment. Without hunters, there will be no wildlife or habitat. The NWTF is determined to Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.
Pete Muller
Public Relations Manager
National Wild Turkey Federation
770 Augusta Road | Edgefield, SC 29824
803-637-7698 – Direct line | www.nwtf.org
803-637-0034 – Fax