Leonard Jackson, 72, of Saluda, SC, died May 15 in an automobile crash on Augusta Road. According to the SC Highway Patrol, the crash occurred around 2:30 in the afternoon on the aforementioned road approximately 1.4 miles north of Trenton. Mr. Jackson was traveling south on Augusta Rd. when he attempted to pass another vehicle traveling south. In so doing, however, he struck another vehicle that was attempting to make a right turn onto Augusta Rd. from a private drive. After striking this vehicle, Mr. Jackson’s car continued on, exiting the left side of the road. It struck a ditch, overturned, and caught fire. Due to the fire, the make and model of the vehicle Mr. Jackson was driving is still unknown. The driver of the second vehicle was a juvenile. She was driving a 2006 Chrysler SUV. She was also transporting two passengers. All in that vehicle were properly restrained. However, they did received injuries and were transported by EMS to Aiken Hospital. There was no word on their conditions, but a source told the Advertiser that their injuries are believed to be non-life threatening. Mr. Jackson died on the scene from thermal injuries he received as a result of this crash. This accident is still under investigation by the SCHP.