Part One
I hope Robert Mitchell Scott’s editorial last week, suggesting that Political Party Primaries, where prior to the general election in November, individuals seek their affiliated political party’s “nomination,” by first going through the party primary process, is placed online. I believe it should be placed online, where all South Carolinian’s can comment, as I believe this is a debate all South Carolinian’s need to understand and be engaged in.
Mr. Scott advocates for open primaries, where regardless of your worldview: whether you believe in free-markets vs. crony-capitalism, private property rights vs. federal bureaucratic encroachment on those rights, the concept of private charity with accountability vs. mandatory increased dependency, a strong national defense with secure borders and sound immigration policy vs. an open border system, you can and should be able to select leadership for all parties – changing party affiliation for the Primary, year to year, regardless of your own personal views.
At the outset, I will share a post on my Facebook account, where I raised this subject, and you are welcome to discuss it with me there, as well as Robert, and others who disagree with me.
That post reads,
“From another thread this morning where #RegistrationByParty was being discussed. I’d love to know your thoughts…….
What I am saying is Democrats need to return home to their own party – and kick the socialists and communists out – so those individuals (socialists and communists) are forced to run on those platforms, forcing the voting public to become educated and understand the choices they are making…..
We are in this mess because as the socialists and communists infiltrated the Democratic Party, and took it over, rather than defend their party from those who were working to undermine our republic from within, Blue Dog Democrats left, and to a large extent, have taken over the Republican Party. As they have gained more and more traction within the GOP, the socialists and communists have gained more ground – and this circumstance is exacerbated when most graduating from today’s educational system aren’t trained to understand what is taking place, from an ideological / worldview perspective.
In short, what U.S.S.R. Premier Krusvhev said in the late 50’s is coming to effect, when he stated “We do not need to invade the US, we will destroy you from within,” and a step……one step……in the process of reversing this trend, is registration by party – yes.”
I am confident that Mr. Scott, who attends the liberal end of the Episcopalian church would not be interested to have those who attend the very conservative end of the Presbyterian church, enter his church once a year and engage in electing his church leadership. Yet, this is what Mr. Scott is advocating for our political parties – who have written platforms members vow to uphold as they select individuals who will work for those principles in local, state and federal offices.
More next week. Here’s wishing you a productive week.