Edgefield County Bridge Replacement

Edgefield County Bridge Replacement
SCDOT Advisory
The South Carolina Department of Transportation plans to replace the bridge on S-39 (Old Chappells Ferry Road) over Turkey Creek in Edgefield County. This project is part of SCDOT’s strategic Ten-Year Plan. This bridge is currently posted with 20-percent of the timber piles deteriorated or spliced. This bridge is to be replaced in-house with maintenance forces.
SCDOT plans to begin work on August 13, 2018. Pending any delays due to weather conditions, fabricator delays, etc. the new bridge is expected to be re-opened to traffic by December 20, 2018. The Edgefield County Sheriff’s Department, Emergency Management, and Edgefield School District have been advised of the pending closure. We do not anticipate that any businesses will be affected significantly by the closure.