Assault of Inmate at Detention Center

According to an Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office report, an inmate was assaulted at the Edgefield County Detention Center, Sept. 5.  The report details that the victim stated he had been having problems with his cellmate.  That cellmate allegedly attacked the victim in their cell.  During the attack, three other inmates entered the cell to also attack the victim.  The assault went from the cell to the hallway before it was broken up by jail staff. The victim was transported to Greenwood Hospital for treatment of his injuries.  It was determined that he sustained a laceration to the right eye that went to the skull bone and a laceration to the bottom lip.  A CT scan also determined that the victim suffered a closed fracture to his nasal bone as well as a closed fracture of his maxilla. The cut above the victim’s eye, which did cut his muscle and tissue, required 14 stitches; the cut to his lip needed 2 to close.  After treatment for his injuries, the victim was transported back to the Edgefield County Detention Center.  Warrants for assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature are being sought against the four assailants.