“Oh mercy! cries the reader—what! Old Edgefield again! Another murder in Edgefield! Why, ‘twas but t’other day that you gave us a history sufficient to freeze the blood with horror—the history of a husband murdering his wife! And now you talk of a history ten times, if possible more unnatural and horrible still—the history of a Wife murdering her Husband! And all in Old Edgefield! Well, the Lord have mercy upon old Edgefield! For sure it must be Pandemonium itself, a very district of Devils! (The Bad Wife’s Looking Glass or God’s Revenge Against Cruelty to Husbands, Mason Locke Weems, 1816).
Find out the true history of this notorious Edgefieldian. The Devil In Petticoats-the Story of Becky Cotton will be at the William Bouknight Theatre (The Discovery Center) in downtown Edgefield. Show Dates are September 28th and 29th and October 4th and 6th at 7:30 pm and September 30th and October 7th at 3:00 pm. Please call 803-637-2233 for tickets.
The play begins with Parson Weems, portrayed by Wm. Billy Benton telling the townspeople about Becky Cotton. Ashley Hatcher is reprising her role as the beautiful and chilling Becky and felt it was important to bring this story of one of Edgefield’s most notorious citizens back to the stage. Although the story is full of chills and suspense Sam Crouch, Bob Browe, Ruth Bledsoe and Donte Muse bring a lot of humor and laughter to the production as well thru their performances
In a moment of serendipitous timing soon after Caroline Bland, Beth Worth, Ashley Hatcher, and Sam Crouch began discussing bringing back playwright Tricia Glenn’s The Devil in Petticoats, The Story of Becky Cotton, Carolina Moon Distillery came out with their fabulous new gin. They are the official show sponsors of The Devil in Petticoats. You can visit their business Tuesday’s thru Saturday’s 11-5 and sample or purchase their newest spirit Becky Cotton’s Gin. They even sell Becky Cotton’s Gin tee shirts.