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By: Scott Cooper
If you have been following my writing, you know I like to write about things which unify. Things which effect all of us equally, regardless of race, creed, nationality, or socio-economic status. I have called these issues, non-respecter of person issues.
As we approach a new year, time is one of those issues, and one worth reflecting upon, in my opinion.
Each of us are appointed a time to be born, and a time to die. Neither date do we get to choose. All we get to choose is how we invest the time in between.
How will you invest your next year?
If your appointed time doesn’t arrive in the course of the next 365 days, how will the investment you make over that time period compound to enhance your 2020 and beyond?
Yes, I believe our investment of time is like our investment of money. It has the potential to compound the effectiveness of our abilities in future years. Conversely, if we squander our time, our abilities will likely be squandered rather than enhanced.
I am pro-choice when it comes to how an individual chooses to invest or squander the time they are allotted.
I pray you will choose to invest your time wisely in 2019.
I wish you a productive and prosperous new year.
More next week.