Ines Tayeb (15) of Tunisia and Florence Cenenx (17) of Belgium are staying with the Hilliards (Jim and Linda) of Mount Vintage as a part of the Lions Club Youth Exchange. They dropped by the Advertiser office for a visit and shared some of their interests and activities since arriving. They will be here be staying into August.
Already they have been swimming, exploring, and riding horses. Ines, who says the words South Carolinaas if she is a local South Carolinian, is wanting to explore the life here and Florence wants to improve her English. Their parents are professionals back in their home countries: Ines’s father is a neurologist and her mother teaches social studies and history in an American school in Tunisia. Florence’s parents are both in medicine: her father is a dermatologist, her mother a dentist.
Once they have concluded their visits with their hosts at Mount Vintage, they will join the whole group to tour South Carolina.