Strom Thurmond Career and Technology Center (STCTC) Phlebotomy Technician Class had 100% pass rate on their Certification exam this year. The students had to master the classroom material and also complete a required number of sticks on live individuals to be able to sit for their certification exam.
Robin Herrin, instructor, stated, “I am very proud of all these students. All of the students are now Certified Phlebotomy Technicians (CPT). This certification will allow them to work as a Phlebotomist in many different arenas in the health care field and it also enables them to have a job in healthcare right out of high school. They definitely have a head start on their future careers in healthcare.”
Left to Right – Front Row: Mary-Charles Bledsoe, Jenna Hall, Carrie Yonce Back Row: Sara Alice Agner, Emma Pedersen, John Ballard, Chance Murrell, Sanaiya Watkins (Names of people in photo.)