Laurie Cordell, Executive Director of Burton Center, has announced that Tina Tolson has been named Deputy Director of Burton Center. Tina has served for the past six months as Interim Deputy Director. She has been employed with Burton Center for over 18 years. She has served as Director of Ware Shoals Operations, Director of Special Services, Early Intervention Supervisor and Case Manager. Tina is a graduate of Lander University with a BS degree in Psychology; a graduate of University of South Carolina with a Master’s in Social Work and earned her Ph.D. in Human Services from Capella University. She is a licensed Social Worker in South Carolina. Tina is a graduate of Leadership Greenwood, has served as a member of the Human Services Advisory Board at Piedmont Technical College, a member of the Upper Savannah Care Service Board, a member of the Ware Shoals Civic Club, and a member of the Due West Lion’s Club. She is currently serving as Adjunct Faculty – Field Instructor at Our Lady of the Lake College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and the University of New England. Tina and her husband, Raymond, reside in Greenwood. They have a daughter and two grandsons. Burton Center for Disabilities and Special Needs is a non-profit, multi-county agency, providing services for over 1,000 people with disabilities and special needs (autism, intellectual disabilities, head injuries, spinal cord injuries and related disabilities) in Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lexington, McCormick and Saluda counties. Burton Center’s mission is to Discover and Develop Unlimited Potential. For more information: or call 864-942-8900.
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