Last week was the 3rd week of the 2022 legislative session. There are 15 legislative weeks remaining before the General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn on May 12, 2022. Here are the highlights from last week’s action in the Senate:
Certificate of Need – The Senate passed S.290, a bill that would repeal the Certificate of Need process for health care facilities and equipment. As I mentioned last week, South Carolina law currently requires medical entities to establish a need before constructing most medical facilities (nursing homes, hospitals, surgical centers, and others), beginning new programs (cardiology, for instance), and purchasing some capital equipment (MRI machines, for example). To establish that need, the medical entity must apply to the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), receive a favorable certificate of need from DHEC, and then outlast lawsuits that come from the medical entity’s competitors. By repealing the Certificate of Need requirement, I hope South Carolinians will have access to more health care options, see more competition, and, consequently, see lower health care costs. The bill will now go to the House of Representatives.
Real Estate Appraisers – The Senate discussed and passed H.3255, a bill that would update licensure requirements for Real Estate appraisers. Since the Senate amended the bill, it will not go back to the House to consider the Senate’s changes.
Medical Marijuana – The Senate began discussion on S.150, a bill that would authorize the use of edible medical marijuana in certain situations. The bill would not allow smokable marijuana, even for medical purposes. The Senate will continue debate this week.
Last Week’s Meetings
On Wednesday, I participated in a panel with South Carolina Realtors to discuss issues facing South Carolina.
On Friday, I spoke with an impressive group of young Republicans and Democrats at River Bluff High School. I enjoyed – and was inspired by – the conversation from the joint meeting.
On Friday, I attended a ribbon cutting and opening for Langley Dam park. This is an impressive park with lots of playground equipment and water activities.
Constituent Interests
SCDOT ROAD PROJECTS – SCDOT has an interactive map to allow citizens to see the road and bridge projects going on around the state. You can see that map here.
How is the gas tax being used? – SCDOT’s website allows you to view a detailed revenue statement and project list that is funded by the Infrastructure Maintenance Trust Fund (IMTF). SCDOT updates this site monthly as the revenue comes in. You can see that report here.
WANT TO SEE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN ACTION? – The Senate meets in statewide session on Tuesdays at 2:00, Wednesdays at 12:00, and Thursdays at 11:00. Committees and subcommittees meet Tuesday mornings, Wednesday mornings, and Thursday mornings. You can watch live coverage of the Senate, House of Representatives, and committees here.
OUR SENATE DISTRICT – Senate District 25 consists of all of Edgefield County and parts of Aiken, Lexington, McCormick, and Saluda Counties. If you’d like to see the district map, go here.
Beginning with the 2024 election, Senate District 25 will include all of Edgefield and McCormick Counties and parts of Aiken, Lexington, and Saluda Counties. You can see the new district, effective in 2024, here.
VOTING RECORD – If you’d like to see how I’ve voted on issues, go here. You can always check to see how I vote by going to my website,, and clicking on the “Voting Record” tab.
SPEAKING WITH GROUPS – Several groups, clubs, and classes around our Senate district have invited me to attend their meetings and provide legislative updates. If you would like for me to come speak with your group, please let me know.
EMAIL UPDATES – If you know of people in or around District 25 who do not receive my updates but would like to get them, please email their names and email addresses to me. You can also forward this email to them and encourage them to sign up for the updates at

Shane Massey
Contact InformationAddress: P.O. Box 551 Edgefield, SC 29824Email: shanemassey@scsenate.govCellphone: (803) 480-0419 |
P.S. To stay up-to-date on all the latest happening in Columbia, please visit for more posts, news, and video updates. Also, fell free to “friend” me on Facebook (@senatormassey) and follow me on Twitter (@shanemassey) for more! |