OEDGS November Meeting

OEDGS November Meeting

The OEDGS will meet at the County Council Chambers, pictured above, in Edgefield.

The public is cordially invited to the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society meeting on Sunday, November 10th, at 3:00 p. m., in the Edgefield County Council Chambers, 225 Jeter Street, Edgefield, SC. The guest speaker will be Mr. Justin E. Guy, who is the Master Potter at Old Edgefield Pottery and an historian on a wide variety of topics. He will be presenting the third part of a three part series entitled “Privateers, Buccaneers and Blockade Runners.” This section focuses on “Blockade Runners” and Mr. Guy will discuss a number of ships that played their part in the history of the War Between the States, along with their particularities. One such ship belonged to a man who resided in Edgefield County.

Mr. Guy was born and reared in Edgefield County in the Trenton area and has worked in clay for over twenty-five years. He grew up living only a short distance from where Dave and other potters made their wares for over a century. In May 2022, Mr. Guy had the high honor of having the 2022 Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award bestowed upon him. When he is not turning pots, he is teaching history classes at the Lifelong Learning Center at the University of South Carolina at Aiken.

​After the meeting, light refreshments will be served.