Father and Son Harvest Deer

Father and Son Harvest Deer

Ed Lamb, Jr., killed a 230 lb. buck, Tuesday, Oct. 11, on private land in Aiken County.  The deer, his first of the season, was an 8-point with a 16 inch spread.  His proud father, Ed Sr., dropped by The Advertiser, Wednesday morning to bring us the picture and share with us how he started his son hunting deer at the age of 11.  This latest 230 lb. harvest by Ed Jr. breaks Ed Sr.’s record of a 200 lb. buck.

While telling of his son, Ed Sr. mentioned he had been hunting earlier in the morning, and the result of that hunt was in the back of his truck.  So it was that The Advertiser was able to chronicle this family’s two days of hunting success thus far this deer season.



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