Feb. 24. 2021 The Edgefield Advertiser recently interviewed Ricky Miller and Jeff Hughes, both with strong and long ties to Edgefield County. The conversations with Hughes and Miller reveal the subtleties and nuances of the differences in opinion of where Edgefield County has been, where it is now, […]
Feb.17, 2021 Arthur Northrop Some County residents were turned away from Edgefield County’s Planning Commission Public Hearing on the development of the Land Management Ordinance. (LMO) The Edgefield Advertiser has published numerous articles over the past two months explaining different perspectives on the changes in County’s Comprehensives Plan, the petition to change it back to its original […]
FEBRUARY 10, 2021 This is the fourth in a series of articles regarding Edgefield County’s Comprehensive Plan. Senator Massey provided his perspective as an Edgefield County resident. Edgefield County’s Comprehensive Plan was changed on its third reading by County Council members Cooper, Talbert and Kennion. Council members Cooper, Dean and Ireland have shared their perspectives in the previous […]
JANUARY 27, 2021 This is another installment of the Edgefield Advertiser’s continuing coverage of the petition to change Edgefield County’s Comprehensive Plan back to its wording before it was amended on its third reading. In next week’s article, Representative Bill Hixon weighs in and shares his thoughts on the issues. Tiffani Ireland was sworn in as a County Council member […]
By Arthur Northrop January 13, 2021 This article is the second in a series detailing Edgefield County’s Comprehensive Plan and a petition to change it. The first article appeared in the Wednesday, January 6, 2021 edition and is on-line at edgefieldadvertiser.com. If you have input regarding the series please contact me at arthur@edgefieldadvertiser.com or send […]
By Arthur Northrop Jan. 6, 2021 This article is a first in a series covering the residential development in Edgefield County. Council members Jackie Kennion, Albert Talbert, and Dean Campbell did not comment by the first deadline. Scott Cooper, County Council Chair did respond. Megan Pearson, a concerned citizen who has and is following Edgefield County’s Comprehensive Plan also provided information regarding the plan’s development. […]
Arthur Northrop Nov. 23, 2020 The Edgefield County Planning Commission meeting in the County Council chambers on Thursday, November 12, 2020 reached standing room only mostly because of two items on the agenda. The items of concern were the Annison Pointe subdivision located at the intersection of Currytown Road and Mealing Road and a land development application by Caddis Solar. These […]
“Adventures in Reading” The Edgefield Reading Council is pleased to announce our first poetry contest with the theme of “Adventures in Reading.” The contest is open to students in Grades 3-12, and winners will be selected in each of the following divisions: elementary school, middle school, and high school. Winners will be asked to share their […]
Queen and Court Homecoming Queen Katy Neal Day is pictured with her father, David Day, and the homecoming court. Anna Grace Spurlock was named first runner-up. Natalie McNeill & Adam Smith were the little miss & mister homecoming escorts. The court pictured from left to right: Taylor Cockrell, Taylor Rodgers, Becca Whitlock, Homecoming Queen 2018, Davis Wash, […]